Central High School Media Center

Let's Help Your Student, Parents!


Media Center Information:

  The mission of our media center is to provide students and teachers with the tools for them to be most productive and successful. We are committed to providing information on all subjects, and from all viewpoints. We foster the respect for all individuals. We are working to increase our students' information literacy skills, and our students' reading scores. To do this we offer electronic and print resources. We ask for volunteer guest speakers, and pay for some. We also offer a growing number of literature clubs.

  Our media center is essential to the school, and your support is essential to our success. We aren't asking for money, or volunteering, although we won't turn them away. We are simply asking that you stick up for the media center. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the form on the community page.

Tips For Student Success:

  1.  Discuss your expectations with your students: If they know you are concerned they will be more likely to take school seriously.
  2. Encourage students to be active within the school and greater community: This will increase the student's connection to the school. Studies show that students who are involved in extracurricular activities are more likely to be happy and succeed. This will also help them to get into college or to get a job.
  3. Communicate with your child's teachers: We are here to help your child succeed. We realize you know more about your child then we could ever know. Help us to help your child achieve.Set up an evening routine: This should include a designated meal time, and some time for recreation.
  4. Designate a spot for homework to be completed: This will help students develop a routine and healthy study habits. The spot should have enough space for all the students materials. It should also be free of distractions. Also keep the space organized so items are easily found. This will avoid much frustration.
  5. Turn off the TV during homework time: TV is a distraction students should not have to battle with when completing homework. Radio may be alright depending on your child.
  6. Help students as much as you can: Students need help and support when doing their homework. If you cannot help them, encourage them to find someone who can. Help them to find this person if you can.
  7. Allow students to take short breaks: High school students may be able to focus for up to an hour, but they will need breaks to rest their eyes and minds.
  8. Invest in a dictionary and thesaurus: These tools will help your student with understanding readings, and writing richer papers.
This information was gathered from Tips for Helping Kids.

If you have any concerns about the media center collection or our mission, please take the time to fill out this form so that we can address your concerns.

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