Central High School Media Center

Here's to you, Students!

Project Pathfinders 

Citation and Bibliography Help

Media Center/ Literature Clubs


Contact Your Media Specialist:

Miss Wensmann



Email: lisa.wensmann@gmail.com



 Research Steps:

Finding Information- The first step in a research project is deciding on a topic.  After you have decided on a subject, the next step is to find information. Your teacher will probably want you to find a number of different resources. I have included links to help you find these different sources.  

Evaluating Information- After you have decided on a topic and begun your research, it is important to continually check the sources you are gathering. There are a number of things to watch out for. These things are called evaluation criteria, and they are listed below. If a source does not meet the standards don't use it. If a source is questionable either leave it out or consult your teacher or me. You should check all your sources  with the evaluation criteria, but you must be especially careful with websites. Anyone can post information on the internet. The video clip below will give you great advice on how to evaluate websites.

Using Information- Once you have established that your sources are good sources, you will start to take notes on the sources. You will use your sources in different ways in your project. You may use a block quote, quote, or paraphrase. No matter how you use your sources you must give credit to where you got them from. If you don't give credit, you are committing plagiarism.  You can use the Citation Guides page to help you give your sources credit.

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